Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Heart of Gratitude

*This was written awhile back and posted on my As Lilies Sewing journal, but I thought that I would also share it here.


Is "Warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful"

First and foremost we are to be grateful to God. In Colossians 3:16, it says to "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

God has done so very much for us, yet often we take His gifts for granted. All that we are, the very air we breathe are gifts from Him. Even more importantly is God's greatest gift to us, His Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior through whom we receive salvation and that not of ourselves, but as a gift from God.

How often are we to show gratefulness? When we feel like it? When we get what we want? When circumstances are comfortable?

". . . in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

"always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father;" Ephesians 5:20

There is an excellent example of gratefulness found in Luke 17:11-19 regarding the healing of the ten lepers by Christ. Of the ten men, nine continued on their way. They had received what they wanted. They were no longer outcasts from society. They were cleansed. Those nine had received so much, yet they did not even take the time to give praise and thanks to the One who had healed them. No, it was only one man who after being healed, turned back and went alone to Christ. The attitude of his heart is clearly seen as the Scriptures say that he was "glorifying God with a loud voice, and he fell on his face at His feet, giving thanks to Him." What was the difference between this one man and the other nine? All were cleansed. All heard the same words from Christ's lips. What was the difference? The one had a heart of gratefulness. A heart of faith. He recognized that he did not 'deserve' to be healed. It was not his 'right' to be cleansed. But Christ had given it to him freely. A gift from the Savior of the world.

-Posted by Sarah

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